Bay Country Contractors

Oct 19, 2022
Concrete Overlays Explained: Resurfacing & Repairs

Key Takeaways:

  • Concrete overlays are a kind of resurfacing used to repair existing concrete or cover a new concrete surface.
  • The costs of concrete resurfacing will depend on the size of the project, the type of concrete used, and the complexity of the design.
  • But you can expect to pay anywhere from $3 to $7 per square foot for a primary resurfacing job.
  • The thickness of a concrete overlay will depend on the type of material used and the purpose of the overlay.
  • Choosing the right resurfacing contractor and type of concrete will help your new concrete surface last for several years.

You might want to resurface or repair existing concrete for several reasons. You may have a driveway, sidewalk, patio, or garage floor starting to show its age and could use a new coat of finish. Or perhaps you need to patch up some cracks or fix pitting to improve the appearance and longevity of your concrete surface.

In any case, a concrete overlay may be the solution for you if you’re looking to get resurfacing. While it’s best to consult a concrete resurfacing contractor to save costs and get your concrete maintenance completed professionally, there’s more to know.

Let’s discuss concrete overlays and resurfacing in further detail to help you gain a better understanding.

Concrete Resurfacing and Concrete Overlays Explained

Concrete overlays are a kind of resurfacing used to repair existing concrete or cover a new concrete surface. The process involves adding a layer of concrete on top of the old concrete surface.

It can be done for both functional and aesthetic reasons. Sometimes, an overlay can provide a smooth new surface if your surface is cracked, damaged, or pitted. In other cases, you may want to add an overlay for decorative purposes, such as changing the color or texture of your concrete.

How Long Does a Concrete Overlay Last?

If properly maintained, it can last for several years. However, the lifespan will depend on the type of overlay and the conditions it is exposed to. An overlay constantly exposed to weather and traffic will not last as long as one that’s protected from the elements.

Are you looking to keep your concrete basement in the best shape? Here’s what you need to know.

What Is the Process of Resurfacing Concrete with a Concrete Overlay?

The process is relatively simple. First, the resurfacing area is cleaned, and loose debris is removed. Next, a bonding adhesive is used on the existing concrete surface.

It helps the new concrete overlay adhere to the old surface. Once the bonding adhesive has been applied, the new overlay will be added.

As for the thickness of the overlay, it will depend on the resurfacing project of your choice. For instance, if you are only changing the color of your concrete, a thin layer may be all that is necessary. However, a thicker layer may be required if you are repairing damaged concrete or changing the texture and color.

What Are the Costs of Resurfacing a Concrete Overlay?

This will depend on the size of the project, the type of concrete you use, and the complexity of the design. You can expect to pay anywhere from $3 to $7 per square foot for a basic resurfacing job.

You can expect to pay more if you are looking for a more complex design, such as a stamped concrete overlay. Prices for stamped concrete can range from $12 to $25 per square foot, depending on the level of detail in the design.

What Materials Are Used for A Concrete Overlay?

Many different types of materials can be used. The most common is mortar, a mix of cement, sand, and water. Other options include self-leveling concrete, micro toppings, and polymer-modified concrete.

What Is the Thickness of a Concrete Overlay?

The thickness will depend on the type of material used and the purpose of the overlay. For example, a thin layer of self-leveling concrete can be used to smooth out minor imperfections. In contrast, a thicker layer of mortar may be necessary to provide structural support.

Will It Crack?

Cracks are common in all types of concrete, including concrete overlays. However, damages can be minimized by using a high-quality concrete mix and ensuring that the concrete is adequately cured. Cracks can also be less visible on darker-colored surfaces.

What Are the Different Types of Concrete Overlays?

There are several different kinds, each with unique characteristics. Some common types include:

  • Thinner self-leveling concrete: This type is ideal for smoothing out minor imperfections in the surface of existing concrete.
  • Broom-finished concrete: This is textured with a broom for added slip resistance. It is available in various colors.
  • Stamped concrete: It can be stamped with patterns to resemble stone, brick, or other materials.
  • Thicker mortar: A thicker layer of mortar provides structural support to existing concrete. However, this type of overlay can be more challenging to apply evenly.
  • Decorative stamps: Decorative stamps create patterns on the surface of the concrete overlay. This type of overlay is often used for decorative purposes only.

Consult a concrete resurfacing contractor before deciding on the best kind of concrete overlay for your project. They will be able to advise you on which type is best suited for your needs and budget.

Concrete Overlays Explained: Resurfacing & Repairs

When Should I Resurface My Concrete with a Concrete Overlay?

If your concrete shows signs of wear and tear, it may be time to resurface it. Over time, weathering and traffic can take a toll on concrete, causing it to crack or chip.

A concrete overlay can also be a good option if you want to change the look of your concrete. For instance, if you have plain gray concrete, you could add a colored or stamped overlay to give it a more aesthetic look.

Why Choose a Professional Concrete Resurfacing Contractor for Concrete Maintenance?

A professional concrete resurfacing contractor has the experience and expertise to install a concrete overlay properly. They will also be able to repair any cracks or damage that may already be present on the concrete surface.

Additionally, a concrete resurfacing contractor can provide a warranty on their work. It will protect you in case of any problems that may occur after the surface is installed.

Concrete resurfacing contractors are familiar with local building code requirements. It means they can ensure that your concrete overlay is installed according to code and will not be a safety hazard.

When choosing a contractor to resurface your concrete, it is essential to get multiple quotes to ensure you are getting the best possible price. Be sure to ask each contractor about their experience with concrete resurfacing and whether they have any references you can contact.

Concrete overlays are an ideal way to repair and improve the look of your existing concrete. Choosing the right contractor and type of concrete will allow your new concrete surface to last for many years.

Bay Country Contractors offers commercial asphalt maintenance, concrete maintenance, stormwater management systems, and more in Stafford, VA.

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